Mr Christopher Knapp Consultant Ophthalmologist
MB ChB, BSc(Hons), MD, FRCOphth
- Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Lincoln County Hospital since 2007
- Private practice at The Lincoln Hospital (formerly The BMI and Bromhead Hospital) since 2009
- NHS General Ophthalmologist with a specialist interest in oculoplastic surgery and neuro-ophthalmology
- Clinical tutor and educational supervisor for junior trainee ophthalmologists at the Lincoln County Hospital
- Honorary Teacher Practitioner at the Lincoln Medical School
- Over 25 peer reviewed articles & case reports published
- Contributed 2 chapters to the ‘Surgical Atlas of Orbital Surgery’
- Guest speaker at various national & international ophthalmology conferences
- Peer reviewer for several ophthalmology journals
For a summary of his experience click here.